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Peer Roundtable Discussion


Group members have the opportunity to share questions, updates, and issues and get feedback and fresh ideas from their fellow Executive Forum members. Our Forums provide a safe place for a business owner to discuss his or her business and its challenges and get much needed advice from peers.

Educational Component


Local Expert resource speakers or your Forum Leader delivers an Educational Component in most monthly forum meetings. These workshops are focused on business trends, strategic concepts, and management and leadership tools to help you be a more effective business owner. Some past topics have included: “Financial Literacy,” “Best Practices,” “Contribution Margin Analysis,” “Unique Ability,” “Exploring the Foundation of Your Financial House,” “Hiring and Firing in the Recession,” “DISC and Workplace Motivators Assessments,” etc.

Focused Executive


Every meeting, a different member gets a chance to go through a structured process called the Focused Executive. This is a peer review process of your business that allows you to gain insight and advice from your Forum members, drawing on their extensive knowledge and business experience. This valuable process produces the perspective you need to achieve the next level. Many Executive Forum members experience breakthroughs in their business as a result of their Focused Executive session.



Learning Opportunites


Executive Forum membership provides a wealth of information to its members through newsletters & publications & webinars; small business news updates; access to resources such as books, DVDs, CDs; one-on-one coaching available outside of the group meetings; workshops and seminars that can be offered to members’ employees; and several themed meetings focusing on a particular topic or issue relevant to today’s business owner.



You have opportunities to meet with Tom Jackson, Forums Staff and Forum Members one-on-one to receive direct input and advice on all aspects of your business. Just some of the assistance you can receive includes: preparing your Focused Executive presentations; follow-up on implementing your action items; review and development of personal and business strategic plans; identification of additional personal and business needs.

​Strategies For Success Retreat


Once a year, we hold an annual off-site retreat. Always held at a top-drawer destination in North or South Carolina, the retreat combines personal and professional educational offerings with socializing and general R&R.  Past topics have included:

•  The Great Game of Business
•  The Breakthrough Company
•  PEAK – How Great Companies Get Their Mojo from Maslow

•  What Great Brands Do

•  Delivering Happiness

•  The Fascination Advantage

Our forum groups meet monthly for half-day sessions. In addition, there are coaching and personal development components for our members.

There are usually three components to every five-hour meeting:

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