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Benefits Of Membership


Learning is a central theme of Forum membership and is one of the primary reasons leaders choose to join. The categories of personal growth, leadership development and business know-how are routinely covered in meetings and special programs.  In addition, members enjoy networking opportunities, get help with problem-solving, develop increased accountability and are able to make better decisions.


Here are just some of the benefits that come from membership:


Eleven Monthly Forum Meetings with a Local Educational Speaker,

Focused Executive and Round Table Discussion


Annual “Strategies for Success” Retreat:

>  Leadership Development & Personal Growth Workshops  <


One-on-One “Executive Coaching” Sessions


Proprietary Business Valuation Model


Management Team and Employee Development Services

>  Facilitated Management Team Business Planning Sessions  <


“Key Executive” Forum

Composed of Member Business Owners’ Top Executives

>  Development Program for High Potential Managers Performance  <


“DISC”  Employee Assessment Tools


Publications Focused on the Needs of Business Owners:

>  Monthly Executive Excellence Publication  <

>  Monthly e-Forum Newsletter  <


Annual Holiday Party


Lending Library of Books, DVDs, Audio CDs

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